On October 17, 2024 Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU) held a talk show entitled “Humanity and Culture: Leadership of Prof. Dr. M. Sastrapratedja, SJ at Soegijapranata Catholic University,” to commemorate and reflect on the legacy of its former rector, Prof. Dr. M. Sastrapratedja, SJ. It is a part of a series of activities organized by SCU and other universities led by Prof. Sastrapratedja, namely Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta and Driyarkara Jakarta College of Philosophy (STF).
Previously at the end of September Sanata Dharma University had held a similar activity highlighting the educational concept of Prof. Sastrapratedja. The peak of the series was hosted by STF Driyarkara on October 22, 2024, attended by SCU Rector, Dr. Ferdinandus Hindiarto, Director and Screenwriter, Wregas Bhanuteja, and Former Rector of Sanata Dharma University, Y. Eka Priyatna, PhD who were also the speakers of this event.
“The big theme of the discussion in the three campuses is the same, about humanity and culture. However, at SCU itself we focus on the leadership perspective. The invited resource persons were colleagues who had experiences during his leadership,” explained SCU Deputy Rector for Innovation, Research and Publications, R. Setiawan Aji N., Ph.D. The Chairman of the Talk Show, Patrick Danardono, MH said that the article about Prof. Sastrapratedja will also be published on this occasion. “Not just remembering, but how we can understand, continue, and develop the values he formed,” he concluded.
Even though he led 3 universities almost at the same time, Prof. Sastrapratedja succeeded in bringing rapid development to each university. CU itself experienced the leadership of Prof. Sastrapratedja for 2 periods, namely 1989-1993 and 2004-2005. He was one of the figures who helped prepare the Semarang Catholic Institute of Technology (ITKS) to become Unika Soegijapranata. During his leadership, academic development was encouraged through preparation for lecturers’ further studies, collaboration with foreign universities, and fighting for the status of study programs. He encouraged lecturers to take part in the Application Approach (AA) program organized by the Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK). He also required his students to improve their English language skills with the students from Georgetown University USA through English Language Training International (ELTI). Various scholarship programs were also established, including the ones from MSR-KWI, Supersemar Foundation, PT Djarum Kudus, and Sandjojo Foundation.
The original article has been edited for the ASEACCU newsletter.
Source: SCU