Xavier Learning Community (XLC) conducts Ignatian Youth Camp (IYC) with the theme “Journeying Together” from October 21-25, 2024, at its campus in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Eighty-one freshmen and sophomore students came together for an unforgettable five-day experience filled with faith, community, and a shared journey of self-discovery. 

This year’s camp divided participants into three houses—Ignatius, Xavier, and Favre—named after key figures in Jesuit history. Inspired by the Magis Program, the youth initiative of the Society of Jesus, the program aimed to deepen participants’ understanding of the Jesuit mission. Through prayer, reflection, and the sacraments, the camp offered a chance to celebrate Ignatian Spirituality. The camp hoped that this experience will inspire and empower the students to faithfully and generously serve the Lord in their own unique context.

Throughout the camp, students engaged in a variety of activities designed to strengthen teamwork and communication while building a supportive sense of companionship. Each house participated in games and challenges that helped them develop resilience, patience, and the ability to work together toward common goals. Alongside these activities, students learned about the lives and work of St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and St. Peter Favre, figures whose lives embodied Jesuit values. These historical insights gave students an understanding of Jesuit principles, including discernment, humility, and solidarity, and how these could be practiced in their daily lives.

A key part of this year’s camp was the Jamming with the Jesuits where students had the opportunity to hear from Jesuits currently serving at Xavier Learning Community, each at a different stage of their own vocational journey. Their stories illustrated the variety within Jesuit

vocations, showing students that there are many ways to live a life of purpose and service. Students also had the chance to present their house coat of arms, each group explaining the unique symbols and values behind their designs. This was followed by creative skits performed by each house, showcasing the Jesuit values they had learned through short plays. A Magis Circle was then done, where students gathered to share insights from their time working as a team and reflect on how these experiences had helped them grow.

As the camp progressed, students embarked on a pilgrimage, inspired by the Ignatian practice of finding God in all things. The full-day journey encouraged them to focus on the journey itself rather than the destination, mirroring St. Ignatius’ call to deepen one’s relationship with God through experiences of the heart and mind. Along the pilgrimage path, students paused for reflection and silence, practicing mindfulness and learning to recognize God’s presence in every step. This journey brought participants closer together and encouraged them to appreciate the present moment, opening their hearts and minds to God’s guidance along the way.

The camp concluded with a vibrant cultural celebration and awards night titled Ignite the Night. The evening brought all participants together in a joyful showcase of their unique cultural backgrounds (Thailand, Myanmar, Laos), talents, and accomplishments from the past five days. Each house celebrated their experiences with performances and presentations, receiving awards that highlighted their contributions and growth over the camp.

The XLC Ignatian Youth Camp 2024 was more than just an event; it was a journey of growth, friendship, and faith. Each student carried with them memories of shared experiences, deeper spiritual insights, and a renewed commitment to live the Jesuit values in their own lives, inspired to find God in all things and to serve others with generous hearts and open minds. Fr. Jboy Gonzales and T. Paul Loquias from Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines, were among the main facilitators for the camp. This is the first-ever Ignatian Youth Camp held outside the Philippines.

Author: Marla Lavilla Arreza

Source: XLC