At the meeting of the Federation of Catholic Universities of Europe (FUCE), held at Loyola University, Seville, Spain, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) Macao signed an agreement for student and faculty staff mobility with the Catholic Institute of Paris (ICP). The Director of the International Office of ICP, Dr Daniel Ollivier, noted how important links between France and China had been historically, and hoped that this agreement would allow for fruitful collaborations between the two universities.
USJ Rector and ASEACCU Executive Secretary, Rev’d. Prof. Stephen Morgan was participating in the FUCE General Assembly as Vice-President of the federation. He spoke at a plenary session on the role of Catholic universities as honest-brokers of academic collaboration and dialogue. He said that viewed from Asia, the need for that collaboration and dialogue looked like an urgent necessity in an era of renewed geopolitical tensions.
Source: USJ