On 15 September 2024, our international students joined UNPAR’s convoy for the parade at Merdeka Street to celebrate Bandung’s 214th Anniversary. The international participants included Australian students from the ACICIS program, along with our KNB students from Timor Leste, Algeria, as well as Pakistan.

Curious about what they were wearing? Some proudly wore their traditional clothes from their home countries and others happily wore Kebaya and Batik that they got during their studies in Indonesia. The international students and the rest of the UNPAR party went together to Merdeka street and waited for UNPAR’s turn to walk through Merdeka street at our UNPAR Campus located there. After that, they walked from BIP (Bandung Indah Plaza) Mall to Balai Kota. There, our international students happily interacted with locals by giving high fives, saying hi, and even taking pictures with them. 

They were also joined by Mba Sylvia Yazid, the University Secretary of UNPAR, as the representative from the Rectorate of UNPAR. Others who took part in the parade include: a student buddy from International Office UNPAR, representatives from extracurricular clubs at UNPAR, as well as staff from the UNPAR Secretariat. The parade ended at 11 A.M. and went back to UNPAR with a wonderful memory celebrating the 214th Bandung Anniversary together.  Happy 214th Anniversary to Bandung from all Unparians!

Source: UNPAR